Sunday, 3 April 2011

Perspectives on AAC - Special Issue on Mobile AAC Technologies

Last week the ASHA AAC SIG published a special issue of Perspectives on AAC  looking at the growing use of and discussion about AAC applications on iPads and other tablet based devices. Its certainly an interesting read and looks at the issue from a range of perspectives including Glenda Watson Hyatt talking about her use of Proloquo2Go and the view of a company (Saltillo) moving from traditional AAC to also providing app based AAC. Debbie McBride and Jessica Gosnell's articles both stress the importance of SLTs going through their regular thorough assessments and ensuring feature matching is carried out to ensure that the recommendation of an AAC system is based on the user's current and future needs across a range of criteria..and not on hype! 

This of course fits in anyway with the best practice of therapists who work in this area. Communication Matters released the first version of the National Standards for AAC Services in mid March. This document talks about services having  an obligation of "applying their knowlegdge and skills to consider the broad range of AAC options that are available"

However there is something to be said for hype. The focus on using iPads as AAC platforms (with suitable apps) has highlighted the importance of social inclusivity, utilisation of mainstream technology and the cool factor! Its certainly an interesting time in AAC.

1 comment:

  1. I believe its time for teacher and providers of AT for people with special needs step on up to the 21st century. It is my experience that main stream is being embraced even more reluctantly than kids with differences getting a ipad to help them in communication and education. They deserve it. I know for certain, in my sons case a least the ipad will provide more than any 300$ per hour OT has. I have observed OTs help other more severe folks lots but not my son much.
